Cookie Policy


Cookies are plain text files containing little bits of information which are saved on the computer or the mobile device of the user that visits a website. During any visit following the first sending, the cookies are sent once again to the website that created them in the first place (first-party cookies), or to another website (third-party cookies), which recognizes that said cookie. Cookies are useful because allow another website to acknowledge a user’s device.


Cookies allow a website to “remember” its users during the time of their visit (thanks to a “temporary cookie”) or during more future visits (using a “permanent cookie”).

Cookies can accomplish many different functions: some are essentials and allow the users to surf between pages in an efficient way, to set and store their preferences and, more in general, to enhance and optimize the navigation of a website.

It is always possible for the user to de-activate cookies or remove them from his or her browser, but these actions may render inaccessible some parts of the website and make it less functional from the navigation standpoint.


We listed the cookies we employ on the base of their purpose as follows:

1) TECHNICAL cookies (relative to navigation or session)

2) THIRD-PARTY cookies.


Navigation or session cookies

They are employed just to provide discretely defined features that grant the usual navigation and fruition of a website. Said cookies can be divided in two kinds based on their persistence on user’s machine: those which delete themselves automatically at the end of every navigation are called “session cookies”. On the contrary, if they have a longer life-span, they are called “persistent cookies”.

We use navigation or session cookies to provide:

Anonymous management of website visiting

Authentication for restricted areas, where expected

Management of personal preferences regarding the use of cookies, as defined by the user

Here’s a list of the aforementioned cookies:

Name of Cookie Description
PHPSESSID Employed to assign an anonymous ID to the navigation session of the user
gc_webuser_allow_cookie This cookie is employed to archive user’s consensus to cookies’ usage, in case the user accepted it by pressing the “CLOSE” button in the information bar about the use of cookies
web_user_remember Employed in the restricted areas that require authentication, used to acknowledge the authenticated user

Technical cookies are essential and cannot be disabled using the functions of this website.



These are directly employed to gather aggregated information about the number of users and about how they visit this same website. Said – anonymous – cookies gather information about how a website is being used and allow the owner of the site to have a better knowledge of his or her users and to enhance the very way in which the site works.

We use cookie analytics to provide:

Statistics about the ways in which our website is being used.

These cookies on our behalf are managed by a third party (Google Inc. for the Google Analytics cookies), the third subject provides these services in exchange of information regarding user visits to our site.

To view the list of Google Analytics cookies, that can be modified through time by the providing subject, we ask you to refer to the link provided by the third party itself:


For more information about Google Analytics cookies refer to this link:


It is otherwise possible to disable cookies set by the Google Analytics service following the instructions in the following link:


The “Guide” section of the browser adopted by the user allows him or her to manage cookies settings. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can instruct your browser to inform you when they are sent to you. It is also possible, through your browser settings, to erase previously stored cookies at any time. Editing your settings will affect only the single browser and machine currently in use, to extend this preference to other devices it will be necessary to repeat that same operation on each other browser.

Internet Explorer:


Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox


Apple Safari


More information about cookies